Friday, 12 May 2017

(PODCAST) 'Strange World' Episode 104

Mark Sargent's Strange World

This is the most recent episode of a wonderful Flat Earth based Podcast. The host is Mark Sargent, who created the Flat Earth Clues series of videos.

Original Air Date: 05/09/2017 on Truth Frequency Radio.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Flat Earth And Alien Abduction

"When I discovered the Flat Earth truth, everything else made sense." 

     The above quote is something I've heard many times, including from my own mouth. Before I got into Flat Earth, I was a dedicated UFO truther. There wasn't enough UFO books on this Earth for me. When I stumbled across the Flat Earth, all that went out the window and Flat Earth devoured my life. It wasn't that I no longer saw the truth in those other topics, it was the significance of the revelation that the Earth is flat and what it meant for society both future and past.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Chuck Palahniuk Lost His Touch

Chuck Palahniuk was once the king of Dark Satire. Some may still see him this way, but I'm sure they are a significantly less amount of people then they once were. Survivor was masterful; the first novel of his I read, it was eye opening for me. It made me realize just how fun reading could really be. Survivor was clever in a way that I had never previously experienced. I was hooked. Invisible Monster, Choke, Fight Club, Diary, and Lullaby! Absolutely page-turners.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

(VIDEO) "Boats Prove No Curvature"


by Jeranism

Book Review: Mall by Eric Bogosian

One night a few years ago I happened across a movie called 'Talk Radio'. I was stunned by what I was watching and barely moved until the final tense moments of this riveting film. It was about a very charismatic talk radio host (think Howard Stern but more political) and one fateful day at work. I'm not here to review the movie so I'll keep this short. It was just brilliant. The dialogue was so perfect, I was not surprised when I realized it was originally a stage play. The main character of the film was played by Eric Bogosian, who I thought looked liked Jerry Seinfeld after many years of hard drinking. I don't mean to sound cynical.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Saturday, 18 March 2017

(VIDEO) Eddie Bravo On Flat Earth At InfoWars Dinner

Recently the great Eddie Bravo made an appearance on The Alex Jones Show. After his appearance he joined the InfoWars crew minus Alex Jones for dinner, where Eddie finally revealed himself to be a Flat Earth supporter. Many of his fans, myself included, have suspected him to be a Flat Earther after seeing his appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast. It's great to see him finally open up on this topic.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Joe Rogan Threatened

I first noticed Joe Rogan in my preteen/early teen years while religiously watching reruns of Newsradio late at night. A few years ago I discovered his podcast and that led to his stand-up comedy. I felt a connection because he reminded me of another man after the truth, Bill Hicks.
     About five years ago his views changed. I noticed it when he did his SyFy Channel show "Joe Rogan Questions Everything". He surprised many with his newfound skepticism. What was most disappointing in my opinion was his lack of belief in things he was once a spokesman for, but the ridicule of the shows subjects.
     Just a few days ago Alex Jones stated on his radio show that five years ago Joe Rogan was threatened to stop talking about conspiracies. Jones insisted that he didn't hear this by Rogan himself, likely trying to cover up the fact that he was told this by Rogan in confidence. It was enough that he let this information out to all his many listeners, many of whom already suspected this, but I'm sure whoever threatened Rogan wouldnt be happy to know he told the most popular conspiracy theorist in America. Is it true that Joe Rogan was threatened for talking about conspiracies? Definitely. An Alex Jones has confirmed it.
     Knowing Joe Rogan was threatened explains a lot. It was almost unrealistic how quickly his views changed. But if you look closely one can tell he still has the belief inside him. Watch his most recent interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson. He was clearly bringing up certain points in a backhanded effort to stump the man. Rogan knows what he is talking about and it's a shame he has to hide it.
     And isn't it curious how Neil Degasse Tyson suddenly appears on Joe Rogan's podcast after a week of Flat Earth attention in the media? There is even a point where Tyson thanks Rogan for getting him on the show so suddenly. This proves a popular theory: Neil Degrasse Tyson has an agenda to specifically push the globe Earth model. His recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast was made to perform damage control,
     The truth is starting to show and Joe Rogan needs to hop back on the train and once again be our spokesman.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Secret Flat Earther: Alex Proyas

Alex Proyas is one of those filmakers that can inject actual creativity and his own unique ideas in his movies without tarnishing their commercial appeal. Of course not every director can churn out only gems, as "Gods of Egypt" demonstrated with it's lackluster release. It feels as if I'm the only fan of that extraordinary and misunderstood film.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Eric Dubay: The Real Flat Earth Shill

Eric Dubay was at one point the poster boy for the Flat Earth movement. He publoshed the first book on it in 40 years. His research was astoundingly thorough. All those he accuses to be shills credit him as their introduction into the movement.

Flat Earth Clues by Mark Sargent

A good first step