"When I discovered the Flat Earth truth, everything else made sense."
The above quote is something I've heard many times, including from my own mouth. Before I got into Flat Earth, I was a dedicated UFO truther. There wasn't enough UFO books on this Earth for me. When I stumbled across the Flat Earth, all that went out the window and Flat Earth devoured my life. It wasn't that I no longer saw the truth in those other topics, it was the significance of the revelation that the Earth is flat and what it meant for society both future and past.
In my search for truth and meaning I've started looking into my past obsessions again; topics and conspiracies I suspect hold significance in relation to Flat Earth. Podcasts are a big source of information (The Higherside Chats being a recent favorite). I've heard things that have led me to work on the Flat Earth puzzle from a different angle.
A recent interview by Jimmy Church of Fade To Black Radio brought to light some information that I consider critical. The interview was with Lon Strickler of phantomsandmonsters.com. The information has to do with alien abductee David Eckhart, who, along with his wife and kids, has been experiencing alien activity in their home.
According to Lon Strickler, all of David Eckhart's abductions have never went beyond this Earth. As far as can be recalled, he's only been brought to Earth based locations such as caves or seemingly medical facilities. What hit me the hardest was the claim that The Grays are using Humans as slaves. During one abduction he was brought underground where thousands of humans were being used for labor.
This was an important revelation for me because I was wondering what Flat Earth meant for The Grays and the abduction phenomenon. We are sharing Earth with them, and we are being used as a tool, possibly even a resource. I will not say for sure whether or not I believe them to be the builders of this plane, but what I am certain of is our relation to them. We're on a stage and we have no idea.
I notice a lot of Flat Earthers regaining or building on their Christian faith, as well as taking Flat Earth as a cue to take the Bible literally. I disagree with this because they are closing themselves off from other possibilities. I wholeheartedly believe that looking into UFO and Alien lore and encounters will lead to serious breakthroughs.
In the future I will be writing more about other conspiracy's and how they fit into the Flat Earth movement. I can't take the Bible literally but I still believe it to be very important in figure this all out, Another topic I will be focusing on is the concept of Nature Spirits, which play a large role in abduction lore.
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